
dementia:痴呆 (後天性の回復不能な知的障害)

Coffee Linked to Lower Dementia Risk

Drinking coffee may do more than just keep you awake. A new study suggests an intriguing potential link to mental health later in life, as well.


A team of Swedish and Danish researchers tracked coffee consumption in a group of 1,409 middle-age men and women for an average of 21 years. During that time, 61 participants developed dementia, 48 with Alzheimer’s disease.


After controlling for numerous socioeconomic and health factors, including high cholesterol and high blood pressure, the scientists found that /
the subjects who had reported drinking three to five cups of coffee daily /were 65 percent less likely to have developed dementia, compared with those who drank two cups or less. People who drank more than five cups a day also/ were at reduced risk of dementia, the researchers said, but there were not enough people in this group /to draw statistically significant conclusions.


Dr. Miia Kivipelto,( an associate professor of neurology at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm /and lead author of the study, )does not (as yet) advocate drinking coffee as a preventive health measure. “This is an observational study,” she said. “We have no evidence that for people who are not drinking coffee, taking up drinking will have a protective effect.”




でもこのような新しい研究を知ることも、ある意味とても刺激的でなんとも楽しくはありませんか?☆ ☆ ☆

注:subject:participant 共に実験の対象です、治験者→実験参加者
subjectは語源から、sub+ject 下に+身を投げだす:家臣という意味もあるように、統制を受けるという視点から人権に配慮され、最近では大方はparticipantを使います。